TürkBirDev Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı - Boston şübesi
TürkBirDev Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı - Boston şübesi
15 Boston Street
South Boston,
ph: 617 269 7300, Cep: 617 833 1218
JiniCEF-Justice International, inc
Cultural and Educational Foundation
Justice International is a non-profit organization dedicated to the relief of refugees and victims of wars and disasters around the worldş We help the victims settle and culturally adjust in new places and normalize their lives through education. "Working together for better future," expresses our belief that through community effort and mutual aid we can bring about positive changes in lives torn apart by tragedies, natural disasters and poverty.
The Voice of Justice is our regular publication, which keeps members of our organization up to date on Justice International's activities. It is also a forum for the discussion of solutions for the many troubles in our turbulent world.
If you would like to assist Justice International with a monetary donation, please visit our "Give of Yourself" section. Your donation is tax-deductible in accordance with the United States tax code.
Most importantly, if you wish to become actively involved in helping Justice International respond to the needs of suffering people everywhere, we encourage you to join our organization. You can fill out a membership application in our "Join Us" section.
To become a member of Justice International, please print and fill out this page and mail it back to Justice International, 15 Boston Street, Boston, MA 02127 with your membership fee enclosed.
_____ YES, I want Justice International to continue its efforts in working together to better the future. _____ Please add my name as a member, at which time I will receive Voice of Justice newsletters and a 20% discount on all orders. The annual membership fee appropriate to my membership type is enclosed: _____ Business, $50 _____ Student, $20 _____ Other, $25 I have also enclosed an additional contribution of: _____ $500 _____ $250 _____ $100 _____ $50 _____ $20 _____ $___________ I would like my company/organization advertisement to be published in the Voice of Justice. I have enclosed camera-ready artwork and the appropriate fee for this service: _____ Full Page, $290 _____ Half Page, $150 _____ Quarter Page, $75 _____ Eighth Page, $50 Name: ________________________ Company: _____________________ Telephone: ____________________ Address: ______________________ ______________________________
A gift of cash is the simplest and most immediate way to give to Justice International. Cash gifts, outright or pledged, can be given by writing a check to Justice International or the committee of your choice, e.g. New England Bosnian Relief Committee or the Justice International Children's Fund. Your gift is deductible up to fifty percent of your adjusted gross income as long as you itemize your deductions. If you wish to designate the use of your gift, please enclose a note or make a notation on your check stating the desired use of your gift. Please send your check to:
Justice International
Cultural & Educational Foundation
15 Boston Street
Boston, MA 02127
or call (617) 833 1218 for assistance. You can also make the following other types of contributions:
Appreciated Securities
If you own securities or other assets that have increased in value, you may find it advantageous to give them to Justice International. Your outright gift of long-term, appreciated securities are exempt from capital gains taxes. In most cases, you may claim a charitable tax deduction equal to the full fair market value of the securities when transferred.
Justice International Pooled Income Fund
By joining the Pooled Income Fund, you can make a substantial gift to the organization now, realize immediate tax benefits, and provide income security for you and your family. The Pooled Income Fund is similar to a mutual fund. Your gift, joined with other gifts, is assigned to a proportionate interest in the fund. Each beneficiary receives current earnings of the fund quarterly. The Pooled Income Fund is now earning 5% per year for each participant. You may name a second beneficiary to receive a life income from your gift after your passing away.
When you remember us in your will, please use our correct legal name: Justice International, Inc. Many people talk about leaving gifts to non-profit causes when they or their families no longer need their property. Many don't realize the necessity of a will (or other legal documents) in order to make that gift. Please consult an attorney when making your will.
Life Insurance
A gift through life insurance is a wonderful way to make a substantial gift to Justice International with a small amount of cash. The insurance program at Justice International is available to donors up to age 70 who wish to make a gift up to $250,000. A donor makes a contribution to Justice International annually. With the contribution, a life insurance policy is purchased on the donor. Life insurance is an excellent way to help create a large endowment for the organization, and ensure its future.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts provide a donor with an income, a charitable tax deduction, and other special benefits. The trust may be a charitable remainder annuity trust or a charitable remainder unitrust. Both trusts have the following characteristics: Minimum gift is usually $50,000. You select the payout rate, usually between 5-9%. Choose your own trustee. Receive an income and a charitable tax deduction. At the donor's passing away, Justice International receives the remainder. Gifts to a charitable remainder trust are excluded from state and federal estate taxes, and removed from probate.
TürkBirDev Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı - Boston şübesi
15 Boston Street
South Boston,
ph: 617 269 7300, Cep: 617 833 1218